Saturday, 8 November 2014

Monday, 22 September 2014

Android M in the talks

First mentions of supposedly an Android L successor have now surfaced via commits in an AOSP thread
Source: http://www.androidau...erences-529004/

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

NEW Website !!!!

I am glad to announce the launch of my new website, although it is still in development, this would mainly be about tech stuff!!!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Yocto For Raspberry-Pi Build Guide

The Yocto Project is a Linux Foundationworkgroup whose goal is to produce tools and processes that will enable the creation ofLinux distributions for embedded softwarethat are independent of the underlying architecture of the embedded software itself. The project was announced by the Linux Foundation in 2010.[1] In March 2011, the project aligned itself with OpenEmbedded, an existing framework with similar goals, with the result being The OpenEmbedded-Core Project.

The Yocto Project is an open source project whose focus is on improving the software development process for embedded Linuxdistributions. The Yocto Project provides interoperable tools, metadata, and processes that enable the rapid, repeatable development of Linux-based embedded systems.


1.     Clone the Yocto Project Git repo

We are going to download a beta version of the Yocto Project compilation which I have tested and is known to be working on the Pi.

First navigate to the directory you want to store your Yocto Project files and run the following command:

git clone git:// yoctoProject

This will clone the master version of the yocto project collection.

cd into the yoctoProject directory

cd yoctoProject

2.     Get the meta-raspberrypi layer

The meta-raspberrypi layer is a BSP layer, this is a layer which holds all the meta-data for building for the Raspberry Pi, most importantly the Kernel and architecture configuration. We're going to do a git clone of the meta-raspberrypi repository.

Clone the meta-raspberrypi repository:

git clone git://

3.     Setup the build environment

Go back to your yoctoProject directory, if you are still in the meta-raspberrypi directory then a simple:

cd ..

Next, setup the build environment variables by sourcing the build script:

source oe-init-build-env raspberryPiBuild/

You have now setup the environment, a new folder 'raspberryPiBuild' has been automatically created and you have then been placed into it.
4.     Configure the build

Now you have setup the environment, Bitbake can build for a number of architectures. You must configure it to build for the Raspberry Pi. Using your favourite text editor, edit the conf/local.conf file in your raspberryPiBuild directory.

nano conf/local.conf

In the conf file edit the following parameters:

Scroll down the file until you see the MACHINE definition variables. Add your own custom one right at the start that says:

MACHINE ?= "raspberrypi"

Ensure that all the following MACHINE variables are commented out.

5.     Next up, we need to add the meta-rasperrypi layer we cloned earlier to the file conf/bblayers.conf. Open this file:

nano conf/bblayers.conf

Add a line below the last entry in the BBLAYERS variable (it should end in meta-yocto) stating:


Please not the format of the other lines in the BBLAYERS variable, it will be very similar to the ones above but with the meta-raspberrypi instead of meta-*.

You can see my example below:

/home/ric/Projects/yoctoProject/meta \
/home/ric/Projects/yoctoProject/meta-yocto \
/home/ric/Projects/yoctoProject/meta-yocto-bsp \
/home/ric/Projects/yoctoProject/meta-raspberrypi \
6.     Build a minimal distribution

To compile your new distribution a few development tools are required, the install procedure for a few common Linux distributions are listed below. If you do not run one of these distributions then you can try running the bitbake command below anyway and it will alert you to which dependencies your system is missing and you can then install them with the package manager of your choice.Packages required for Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install sed wget cvs subversion git-core coreutils \
unzip texi2html texinfo libsdl1.2-dev docbook-utils gawk \
python-pysqlite2 diffstat help2man make gcc build-essential \
g++ desktop-file-utils chrpath libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev \
mercurial autoconf automake groff libtool xterm

Packages required for Fedora:

sudo yum groupinstall "development tools"

sudo yum install python m4 make wget curl ftp hg tar bzip2 gzip \
unzip python-psyco perl texinfo texi2html diffstat openjade \
docbook-style-dsssl sed docbook-style-xsl docbook-dtds \
docbook-utils sed bc eglibc-devel ccache pcre pcre-devel quilt \
groff linuxdoc-tools patch linuxdoc-tools cmake help2man \
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker tcl-devel gettext chrpath ncurses apr \
SDL-devel mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel gnome-doc-utils \
autoconf automake libtool xterm

Packages required for openSUSE:

sudo zypper install python gcc gcc-c++ libtool \
subversion git chrpath automake make wget help2man \
diffstat texinfo mercurial freeglut-devel libSDL-devel

The meta-raspberrypi layer provides us with a very minimal image which will construct an image file that we can directly write onto our SD card.

To build the image we run

bitbake core-sato-image

Ensure, you are running this from your raspberryPiBuild directory.

Now, depending on the speed of your machine this could take anything from 3 hours (Quad Core i7, 3GHz) to 24hrs+.
*Ethernet will cause pi to hang at startup

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Chromium Os For RaspberryPi

I have successfully built chromium os for raspberry pi by using the included overlays
but here is the catch i end up in a kernel panic during boot 
if we can get pat this e can successfully run chromium os on the pi!!!
so if ANYBODY can pl. help it would be great!


Saturday, 23 August 2014

Moto E Unbox

Bought this phone a month ago!!

Awesome phone at a great price!!

Saturday, 28 June 2014

ANDROID on Pi !!!!

I ain't promising anything, but just saying something might be brewing !! O_o

Thursday, 19 June 2014

piROBO Joystck RaspberryPi L298n

piROBO is a robot controlled by the l298n motor controller and the RaspberryPi, the Joystick used here is a Logitich Attack 3 - almost any joystick can be used with my code. I have used the pygame library to read inputs from the joystick, there have been complains that pygame doesn't so well with the pi because of some sdl issues bt after a few hours of tinkering i got to make it work right with cpu usage going from low to average as opposed to a 100% being experienced by some users!! You can get my code off github

Enough chit-chat let's watch a video: 

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Quake 3 Hardware Acceleration on Raspberry pi | Broadcom Annoncement

Broadcom Open-sourced its drivers for its Videocore IV GPU This February, The Raspberry Pi Foundation held a competition to release a full documentation of the VideoCore IV core and a complete source release of the graphics stack for the BCM21553. This was won by Simon Hall !!

The Following is the implementation of Simon's source on the Quake 3. Please note the fps is not important, what is important that the demo is completed within 2 min. In this case it is successfully  completed under 1min 20sec.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Macintosh System 7 on RaspberryPi

Apple has proven itself from time to time, one such innovation was The Macintosh - first ever commercially available GUI computer !!
Successfully emulated on the Raspberry Pi using Mini Emacs ARM Port

Windows 1.01 on RaspberryPi

Windows 1.01 , an OS which commercially never came out too well, being emulated on the RaspberryPi.
This time i actually use Bochs emulator in place of Qemu as qemu caused the OS, for some reason, to hang right after boot !!!

Friday, 2 May 2014

Monday, 21 April 2014

PiFm | RaspberryPi Tutorial

Turn Your Raspberry Pi into an FM Radio Broadcaster!!!


  1. Basic RaspberryPi setup
  2. GPIO Ribbon OR a ~20cm wire connected to GPIO pin 4 ie. pin 7 on header 1.
  3. Tune an FM radio to 103.3Mhz


  1.  Git Clone The Repo
    git clone git://
  2. cd PirateRadio
  3. Build (not required but recommended)
    g++ -o pifm pifm.c
    sudo ./pifm <mono.wav> <frequency>
    ex. sudo ./pifm auido.wav 103.3
Note: Audio should be mono wav file

This is definitely illegal in most countries !!!

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Kolibri Os on RaspberryPi

Was requested for an emulation of Kolibri OS(an x86 assembly OS) on the Pi. So, I tried it and it is better than windows 95 on the pi. Boot time was extremely quick.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Windows 95 On Raspberry Pi

So i was just messing up with my pi and found out Dietmar's post on the forum about running Windows 95 on the Pi so i decided to give it a try!

This is Windows 95 running on Pi using Qemu
For tutorial follow this post by Dietmar.

Boot Animation On Raspberry Pi !!

Bored of your pi booting up in text only ?

Here's a solution to pimp it up!

  1. Copy & Paste
    sudo apt-get install omxplayer
  2. copy the boot video to /home/pi as boot.mp4
  3. create this init script with your editor in /etc/init.d/asplashscreen
    sudo nano /etc/init.d/asplashscreen
  4. Copy & Paste

#! /bin/sh
# Provides:          asplashscreen
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Should-Start:      
# Default-Start:     S
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: Show custom splashscreen
# Description:       Show custom splashscreen

do_start () {

    omxplayer /home/pi/boot.mp4 &  
    exit 0

case "$1" in
    echo "Error: argument '$1' not supported" >&2
    exit 3
    # No-op
    exit 0
    echo "Usage: asplashscreen [start|stop]" >&2
    exit 3


5)Copy and Paste
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/asplashscreen

6)Copy and Paste
sudo insserv /etc/init.d/asplashscreen

Finally Reboot and Enjoy!!!