Thursday, 15 May 2014

Quake 3 Hardware Acceleration on Raspberry pi | Broadcom Annoncement

Broadcom Open-sourced its drivers for its Videocore IV GPU This February, The Raspberry Pi Foundation held a competition to release a full documentation of the VideoCore IV core and a complete source release of the graphics stack for the BCM21553. This was won by Simon Hall !!

The Following is the implementation of Simon's source on the Quake 3. Please note the fps is not important, what is important that the demo is completed within 2 min. In this case it is successfully  completed under 1min 20sec.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Macintosh System 7 on RaspberryPi

Apple has proven itself from time to time, one such innovation was The Macintosh - first ever commercially available GUI computer !!
Successfully emulated on the Raspberry Pi using Mini Emacs ARM Port

Windows 1.01 on RaspberryPi

Windows 1.01 , an OS which commercially never came out too well, being emulated on the RaspberryPi.
This time i actually use Bochs emulator in place of Qemu as qemu caused the OS, for some reason, to hang right after boot !!!

Friday, 2 May 2014